Saturday 20 February 2010

If you like the idea, vote!

On Monday I have a meeting with the design team to go through the top ranked ideas at Projectplace Ideas. We start from the top with the idea which has the most votes and status Quality Backlog. This is currently Exporting Members to Excel. Then we go down the list and discuss as many of the ideas as we have time with in an hour. This is why your vote is so important!

The same goes for the ideas with status Business Case. I write one or two business cases a month. It will always be the top ideas with this status that I write business cases for.

An idea might fly even without any votes but the chance is greatly increased with a higher ranking. So don't forget to look through and vote for the ideas you like.

If you have trouble getting votes for your idea, try sharing it with others. The link for it will be in the address field of your browser. You can just copy it and paste it into an email, a project, or your company dashboard. There is also a "share this link" in the Actions box on the right hand side in every idea. This makes it easy to share your idea on Facebook, Twitter, Digg It, MySpace, LinkedIn etc.

Vote, comment, engage

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