Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Customer Satisfaction Survey

Once or twice a year we send out our Customer Satisfaction Survey. It is very important to us and we are so grateful to our wonderful users who take the time to give us feedback so that we can improve on our work.

Unfortunately, when we sent it out today something went wrong and in spite of our testing the survey system (e-marketeer) went down so it is not possible to answer the Customer Satisfaction Survey right now.

If you would like to participate in the survey, please send us an email to and we will let you know as soon as it's possible.

In the mean time Projectplace is up and running as normal, and we have just launched our Social Project Management manifesto. Read more about that and the Projectplace Way here.


  1. The Customer Satisfaction Survey is up and running again. Sorry for the inconvenience and we hope that you have time to contribute.

  2. Wow! Thanks! I've already bookmarked the site & saved a couple reports!
