Saturday, 20 February 2010

If you like the idea, vote!

On Monday I have a meeting with the design team to go through the top ranked ideas at Projectplace Ideas. We start from the top with the idea which has the most votes and status Quality Backlog. This is currently Exporting Members to Excel. Then we go down the list and discuss as many of the ideas as we have time with in an hour. This is why your vote is so important!

The same goes for the ideas with status Business Case. I write one or two business cases a month. It will always be the top ideas with this status that I write business cases for.

An idea might fly even without any votes but the chance is greatly increased with a higher ranking. So don't forget to look through and vote for the ideas you like.

If you have trouble getting votes for your idea, try sharing it with others. The link for it will be in the address field of your browser. You can just copy it and paste it into an email, a project, or your company dashboard. There is also a "share this link" in the Actions box on the right hand side in every idea. This makes it easy to share your idea on Facebook, Twitter, Digg It, MySpace, LinkedIn etc.

Vote, comment, engage

Friday, 19 February 2010

I get so happy!

(This blog post is a translation from Norweigan. The post is by Vigdis Skogly and the original text can be found here )

I have earier mentioned that the company use of Twitter is finally increasing. Now I would like to share two sunshine stories that have happened to me lately!

I have a boyfriend (@otinnen). He cares a lot about good online tools, is updated in the field, and eager to share his findings with me. He usually does this in the evenings and this was one of those evenings.

Doodle is the new subject of his fascination. It is easy to book meetings and check if the time suits all participants - without registering or logging in. Genious. I tweeted this, with a tag for otinnen, but without a hashtag for doodle. A fairly regular occurance.

However, next day when I checked twitter, I got a happy surprise. Doodle had tweeted me back, thanked for the praise and said to contact them back if I had any questions. Awesome!

The next sunshine story is about the collaboration tool Projectplace, and the story is pretty similar. I tweeted a question I had about Projectplace to a friend, and suddenly a Swedish representative of the company tweeted me back, without me having hashtagged anything at all.

This is a use that I think will explode - that companies follow individual key words, even if they are not hashtagged. You can keep an eye on words used in tweets trough a number of clients, or search at ( But honestly, who out there doesn't use a client?)

This is the way to reach customers who have no idea of your twitter presence - I had no idea about Projectplace or Doodle, and didn't spend any time looking there and then. Fantastic!

Monday, 15 February 2010

Projectplace Agile...ask our own scrum master Lena

As of today you can ask questions about Agile project management in general and specifically how to work as a SCRUM master in Projectplace.

Lena Lille is our in house Scrum master and in charge of the development projects, sprint planning, stakeholder communication and much much more.

If you have a question, go to and Lena will answer:)